In Studio 5 - Signature 60 - Movement Society

In Studio 5 - Signature 60

with Elise

A full-body standing and floor flow that targets every part of your body. Extra attention to the back body, posture, glutes and core- think upper back, all angles glutes, hip opening, spine stretches and more.

You start and finish standing, and each exercise compliments and reinforces the next. A signature mix of go-to moves sequenced together into a 60-minute full body flow!

〰️ Standing Arms and Ass (to fire up the back and arms).
〰️ Sneaky Rotissarie reset to break up the upper-body Burn.
〰️ Down to the mat for overball abs, then loop on for a full-body signature MVMT set.
〰️ We finish with a glutes/standing band walk finisher.

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