Back, Biceps & Triceps - Movement Society

Back, Biceps & Triceps

with Elise

You will need just your long band for this one. We start standing with a focus on the back! Pulling, twists, single arms, pulses - all with the goal of upper-back strength. Think of this series as the antidote to sitting rounded at a desk all day.

We take our pulling down to the mat and invite a little extra core to the upper-body burn.

*For more support during pregnancy, you could add the ball behind the lower back for the seated core series at the end.
The band will assist you in the seated core work. However, for even more support a great modification to further assist is to place the peach ball behind the lower back. Alternatively, remove the c-curve all together and enjoy the postural arm work from a tall, elongated neutral spine.

Enjoy! Love Elise & Bub. x

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